Monday, February 25, 2008

YAF Change in Leadership

Conservative, extremist politics at Michigan State University took a hit recently as Kyle Bristow decided to step down from his post as Chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom. The group, which has tried to host events like "Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day" and successfully hosted events by ultranationalists, vigilante border guards, and those of a similar ilk has been a blight to the university for a long time now.

We can only hope that Bristow's departure means the end of an era for the Young Americans for Fascism, or at the very least, a shift away from the lunacy that he brought to the organization. I personally hope that this timely departure, right after a hate speech bill was passed by ASMSU, will have a similar effect to Wiggins, former College Republican Chairman and YAF officer, leaving the College Republicans. Since Wiggins' departure, the group has been able to shift closer to its more moderate roots, and away from the extremism that it had so recently been.

Is this the end for Kyle Bristow? I doubt it. He is still a junior and has a year to go, as far as I can tell. He will by no means leave the spotlight, it isn't in his nature. We will no doubt see his cowboy hat-laden head at many more events, dishonorable speakers, and protests in the months to come.

I can only hope that this means a shift in ideology for the YAF, for their own good. While Bristow contends that it is a "leftist" organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center has never before labeled a university group as a hate group until the MSU Chapter of YAF. Talk about bad press for our school and our state. Maybe Kyle leaving will allow the other members of YAF to express themselves in a more civilized way, something that Bristow did not allow under his rule. He even instructed them not to talk to the press or disagree with any tactics or leadership (as if anyone would have the gall to oppose the great and powerful Kyle).

Still though, you have to give Kyle the limited respect that he deserves for being able to stick to his guns despite the ire of the entire Michigan State Campus and administration, however insane his guns are.

Finally, in full tribute to his only favorite Spanish words, I close by saying this about the regime change within YAF...

Viva la Revolucion!