Monday, September 3, 2007

Candidates Avoiding Michigan?

The New York Times reported yesterday that some of the Democratic candidates for President are signing a pledge not to campaign in states that move their primary before the sanctioned dates of the DNC. The article may be found here,

Michigan is a critical swing state in the general election and a very important state in all elections. To not campaign in this state is both foolish and insulting. Michigan's population proves to be a much more decisive state than New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada. Michigan is a very diverse state both in population and in issues. We have an economic crisis that needs to be addressed on the national and international level. We have a wide variety of Democrats believing in all kinds of issues, from union woes in the UAW to environmentalist concerns amongst the Great Lakes.

I support Governor Granholm in her pledge to sign the legislation to move our primary to January 15th.

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