Monday, October 22, 2007

CRs shouldn’t be blamed for YAF actions

After reading the letter, “MSU officials violate the anti-discrimination policy” (SN 10/18) I am distressed to find out that the MSU College Republicans were lumped with the MSU YAF in the anti-discrimination allegations by the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives.

Knowing the background of what happened at the YAF event, I can’t possibly see how the College Republicans were involved. The College Republicans and YAF are two different and distinct groups, though they may not be seen that way. College Republican Chairman Ben Morlock has taken positive steps to distance himself and his group from the YAF.

The MSU Democrats fully support his efforts. The MSU YAF is a fringe group and does not represent what the majority of Republicans feel. This is by no means an argument that they be banned or silenced, I agree that they have a constitutional right to assemble, believe what they believe, and speak freely. The College Republicans have a right to be distinct from YAF.

As the President of the MSU Democrats, I would like to think that we would not be held responsible for fringe groups from our side of the political spectrum. The same should be true of the College Republicans.

1 comment:

Philip said...


As glad as I am about your reaching for bipartisanship, the reason College Republicans were lumped in because they cosponsored the event.

Then CR president Jeff Wiggins, who was a former Vice Chair for Young Americans for Freedom, was and continues to be a supporter of YAF. Wiggins attended the YAF sponsored speech with Mark Krikorian. Any investigation into the Chris Simcox event should include activities that may have been done in part by any College Republicans.

As for Ben Morlock, you are right to commend his separating the two groups. When it was reported on the Michigan Conservative Dossier replies indicated that several College Republicans were tired of Bristow's harrasing tactics, and some complained they lost good activists as a result.