Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How-To Guide to Voting Democratic on January 15th

There has been much controversy over the January 15th primary election, especially within the Democratic Party in Michigan. The feuds between the state party, state legislators, the federal Democratic National Committee, and the candidates for president have been publicized often in recent months as different dates and methods of electing a nominee have been discussed and finally implemented.

All of the confusion has caused many to consider not voting in the Democratic Primary, as there are many questions left unanswered. Where do I vote? What time can I vote? How do I get the Democratic ballot? Are there any new election procedures? Why are there so few candidates on the ballot? What if I support a candidate not on the ballot? Should I write in my candidates name or vote uncommitted?

Several of these questions are easy, but have not been well explained by the news media. On January 15th, during the normal election hours, voters should travel to their normal polling location. This is where they have voted for every past election. If you are unsure where to vote, you can look at the state website and input your information. The website is www.michigan.gov/vote

To obtain your ballot you must first present photo identification. If you do not have a piece of photo id, you may simply sign an affadavit attesting that you are who you say you are. To get a Democratic or Republican ballot, you must tell the election workers which ballot you wish to receive. They will give you the relevant ballot.

Once you get the Democratic ballot, you will notice that there are only four candidates on the ballot, with two extra options. Senator Hillary Clinton, Representative Dennis Kucinich, Former Senator Mike Gravel, and Senator Chris Dodd, will be listed as candidates on the ballot, with other options labeled “Uncommitted” and “Write-In.” Those Democrats supporting one of the other candidates who does not appear on the ballot are being encouraged to vote Uncommitted on the primary ballot, as the delegates elected by uncommitted votes will be free to vote for whomever they choose at the national convention. Voters are discouraged from using the “write-in” option, as candidates must declare as write-in candidates several weeks before the election, and none of the other four candidates have.

Please don’t forget to get out to the polls on Tuesday! This primary decides our future as a nation, and decisions are made by those who show up.

Scott Hendrickson
President of the MSU Democrats

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